Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to pay taxes for package sent as gifts?
Duties and taxes are imposed on ALL imported goods regardless of the mode of acquisition or how these were acquired except when the value of the goods does not exceed PhP10,000.00.

Returning Residents, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), Residents of the Philippines or other Filipinos, while residing abroad or upon their return, can bring in or send balikbayan boxes that is exempted from payment of duties and taxes subject to the following condition:
(1) contains personal effects not in commercial quantity
(2) availment is limited to three times a year and the total value shall not exceed PhP 150,0000.00 in a given year.
Any amount in excess of the allowable non-dutiable value shall be subject to the applicable duties and taxes;

Last Updated 5 years ago

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